Tag Archives: Fantastical Watercolor

Smile, I’m a Bee!

Boston Harbor 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor Framed painting of Boston south through Cape Cod.  Available 


She’s There. 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor Framed painting of New England Coastline.  Available

Terra Incognita 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor  Framed painting of Newport and surroundings. Available


Two bee.

One bee

Fly Bee

Witch Hazel Bee

Hive bees

Winter on Nannaquaket

Sunsets across the Sakonnet

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Filed under Art, New Work, Studio

Calendar Girls 2016

I haven’t been posting in awhile so it is time to catch up!  It has been a very busy winter. I had a knee replacement October 26th. I am happy to say it feels great and I am thrilled to be out of pain.  I have been busy making sketches and preparing for summer open studios (if you can imagine that).

I hope you enjoy seeing these pieces. If you are interested in any of these,  you should know that they are all framed and available for sale. You can email me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net.

Calendar Girls

                                       Calendar Girls       Ink and Watercolor 12″ x 9″    $600                                                            

Petting The Human

Petting The Human   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord  10″ x 8″   $400


Owling   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord   12″ x 9″ This has a lovely coper pattern in the night sky that glows in daylight.  $600


Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk  &” x 5″ Ink and Watercolor   $75.00

The Trees Are Alive

The Trees Are Alive,  Ink and Watercolor   3.5″ x 2.5″        $35                       


Surge Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Reef Madness

Reef Madness  Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Sea Anemone

  Sea Anemone Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Rising Tide

Rising Tide   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed


Filed under Art, New Work

Poppies Party


The poppies are blooming gloriously all over Europe and I love to think of having a party among the fields of  them.  Although my work is in 2 exhibits in Europe right now, unfortunately I am not.

I learned yesterday that my best cousin, Mary Sue, passed away at her home in Nova Scotia, with her husband and children at her side. Mary Sue battled brain cancer 3 years, outliving the one year prognosis. In her first year of her illness she wrote a book on daily meditations, each one a reason to be grateful. I can’t imagine how her family is going to deal with this loss. She is a nutritionist,  and her husband is a cancer researcher. They developed a formula to save children who have a particular amino acid deficiency. Her brother and sister in law’s son  and daughter were diagnosed with this rare disorder- Propionic Acidemia. This formula has allowed children to survive much longer than their life expectancy of 6 months to 2 years.

Mary Sue and I spent nearly every weekend of our childhood at one another’s house. We would play day long monopoly games, keeping score, although we always seemed to be even at the end of a month. I will deeply miss her and her deep love for her family, life, good food and good stories.

This is a 6″ by 6″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord. All proceeds from the sale of this painting will go toward to the Propionic Acidemia Foundation which is striving for a cure for this rare autosomal recessive disorder.


Filed under Art, New Work

Bumblepuss Makes a Delivery

BUMBLE PUSS delivers a blob I am loving working with a mixed gouache for the background as I can control the evenness of the color much better than with straight watercolor. Bumble Puss has just delivered this little blob to Ms. Mercat and her friend is looking on appreciatively. Not so for the cloudy seahorse who is wondering when he will get his delivery. Spring has sprung and yellow, blue and purple are the colors of the June irises I have in my yard.

I wanted to mention a wonderful blog by a high school friend of mine. I was always jealous to see Andie carrying her art portfolio around the halls as my parents wanted me to take all college directed courses which somehow left no room for art. Her blog is an eco-conscious person’s dream.

Her suggestions on how to make a spray that attracts beneficial insects instead of using toxic chemicals,  and how to repurpose tomato cages, to decluttering projects is quite wonderful. Andie has been a writer and an editor for years but devotes a lot of time to environmental efforts. Her blog synthesizes both. Check out one of her post here http://www.thegreenqueenofmod.com/memorable-masterpieces/  on saving children’s art and  consider signing up while you are perusing her posts. She’s also on Twitter @greenqueenofmod.

As to Bumble Puss, this painting is 6″ by 6″ Ink and Mixed Media on Aquabord, varnished and framed. $150.00 plus shipping.


Filed under Art, New Work

Long Expected

Long Expected

Sometimes it is interesting to see the works of an artist from their past. This painting was done when I was pregnant with our first child, Anthea. Teddy bears were on the menu. I had been working in a totemic structure with a landscape below. I would often include myself and my spouse somewhere in the painting.

In this one I remember delighting in making a pregnant creature couple. You can see I was influenced by  Rousseau from the start of my painting career.  I was working in a larger format, 18″ by 24″. This reminds me to stretch myself and make larger paintings.

I still have several of my original works from the late 1970’s and early 80’s. This one was made in 1983. Our cats at the time usually managed to make their way into my paintings.


Filed under Art

I am in a Wild and Wonderful exhibit coming up at DeBlois Gallery, Newport, RI, opening July 6th, 5-7PM

Rose White and Rose Red

Rose White and Rose Red

So I have the delight of being in a 3 person show with Gloria Merchant and her very cool 3-D Constructions. Come see her knocked up Barbie’s and outrageous GI Joe’s.

seed.pod ©

Trish O’Day is exhibiting a series of luscious sensual photos of flowers that aren’t to be missed.


And then there is me and Yeah, You!

So, please join us for:




DeBlois Gallery

138 Bellevue Ave

Newport, RI 02840

The exhibit runs from July 6th through July 28th and is going to be a hot one!

I would love to see you there.


In a later post I will write about my trip to Europe and the amazing exhibit. The opening was attended by 3800 people! Yes, 3800 people.




Filed under Art, New Work

Do You Think They A Couple?

Do You think they are a couple?

Working on this new painting. The two creatures on the right are wondering whether the cat and giraffe are a couple. What do you think?



Filed under Art, New Work

The bunny part of a new work.


I have been working on a few pieces, taking time out from each to let them sit before I continue to work on them. I haven’t finished any recently as I have been moving in between them but thought I would post part of a 9″ by 12″ work on aqua board.

Thanks to all who signed up for my blog. I have a winner from the last 20 blog followers.  It is a lovely woman who bought my photo through Etsy. Well that is a nice surprise.

I love seeing the April daffodils and the early white forsythia blooming in our yard.

Happy Monday to all.




Filed under Art, New Work

Petting the Human

petting the human1©

I am working on a new piece with some of my imaginary creatures. I have figured out the color scheme and am doing something I haven’t done before. I am painting the background in first. This is the most tedious part of painting on aqua board as the strokes all need to be in one direction and with the same consistency of color. I look forward to posting the finished piece later in the week.

Happy Thursday to all. Yesterday it was breezy all day and then last night the north wind blew for hours. I hope everyone stayed warm. We lit a fire which kept the house very cozy.



Filed under Art, New Work

Bearing Strait and Gicleé give away for new blog followers.

Bearing Strai

I have been working on this painting for quite a while. There is so much going on in this painting, that I have spent a long time trying out colors and working out variations in the  patterns and ways to accentuate the creatures that I want you to notice.

This is another painting on aqua board. I am finding this leopard keeps making an appearance in my paintings. I think I need to give him a name.


Corner detail.

This painting is sold.

And……I would love if you haven’t already signed up for my blog for you to do so!

I am giving away a gicleé to one of the next 20 followers who sign up for my blog. If you are already signed up, consider asking a friend to follow my blog. Just email me who signed up and your name will be entered in this raffle.Email sign up is near the top right of the blog post and then you get an email in your spam that you must click on to activate your subscription. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed

Enjoy the beautiful weather that is coming up this week. Our witch hazels and snowdrops are blooming. Here is hoping the earth awakens in New England this week.


Filed under Art, New Work