Tag Archives: after the style of Henri Rousseau

South Coast Artists Open Studio time is here. July 15/16 & Aug 19/20. Come on down!

Long Awaited Arrived At Last

Mixed Media 12″ x 9″

Framed in a cheery frame.

Perfect for a new baby in the family.

$500 plus $25 shipping.



Pop Up Party

14″ x 11″

Framed in a black 3″ wide frame with gold accents and a black matte

$700. plus $35 shipping


Oh The Places We Go!

Mixed Media   14″ x 11″

Framed in a black frame with gold accents exactly like the painting above.

$700 plus $35 shipping.


I am so pleased that David Formanek will be exhibiting with me for the first time in 34 years.

He will be exhibiting nudes in resin and bronze as well as Dodonoids.

Take a look at his fabulous work.




Stop in to see both our works. We look forward to seeing you at open studios.

Susan Medyn & David Formanek

90 North Ct

Tiverton, RI 02878

11 AM to 5PM

July 15-16 & August 19-20, 2017

and by appointment.

And just for fun, take a look at one of my queen bees from my two beehives.

She is Alice May II.


Filed under Abstract Art, Art, New Work, Open Studios

Calendar Girls 2016

I haven’t been posting in awhile so it is time to catch up!  It has been a very busy winter. I had a knee replacement October 26th. I am happy to say it feels great and I am thrilled to be out of pain.  I have been busy making sketches and preparing for summer open studios (if you can imagine that).

I hope you enjoy seeing these pieces. If you are interested in any of these,  you should know that they are all framed and available for sale. You can email me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net.

Calendar Girls

                                       Calendar Girls       Ink and Watercolor 12″ x 9″    $600                                                            

Petting The Human

Petting The Human   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord  10″ x 8″   $400


Owling   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord   12″ x 9″ This has a lovely coper pattern in the night sky that glows in daylight.  $600


Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk  &” x 5″ Ink and Watercolor   $75.00

The Trees Are Alive

The Trees Are Alive,  Ink and Watercolor   3.5″ x 2.5″        $35                       


Surge Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Reef Madness

Reef Madness  Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Sea Anemone

  Sea Anemone Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Rising Tide

Rising Tide   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed


Filed under Art, New Work

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva for Blog Susan Medyn © October 2015

Lady Godiva

Ink on Aquabord

My newest drawing that I will be painting over the next few weeks.

I am still trying to find a publisher for an adult coloring book. This has been a major challenge for me but I am persistent.

I think this would make a wonderfully meditative coloring page.


Filed under New Work

Pleased To Meet You!


Don’t you just remember that perfect summer party! The one where the weather was beautiful, the food and company were grand, and you meet that special person who became your best friend or your life sweet heart.

I remember the first time I saw my husband. It was at a wonderful opening at The Albany Institute of Art. I went there with my college roommate. I was a bit shy and tentative.  I was looking through one end of a model train engine trying to keep busy. My eyes met the man I married peering at me through the other end.  We looked up and then it was history. Amazing how I still can remember that moment, what room we were in, the people around, the color of the carpet, all preserved like a photo.

Do you know who is having that moment in this painting?

I do. Who do you think the happy couple is?

This is a 9″ by 12″ ink and watercolor on Aquabord  framed in  a cherry frame.


Filed under Art, New Work

Bumblepuss Makes a Delivery

BUMBLE PUSS delivers a blob I am loving working with a mixed gouache for the background as I can control the evenness of the color much better than with straight watercolor. Bumble Puss has just delivered this little blob to Ms. Mercat and her friend is looking on appreciatively. Not so for the cloudy seahorse who is wondering when he will get his delivery. Spring has sprung and yellow, blue and purple are the colors of the June irises I have in my yard.

I wanted to mention a wonderful blog by a high school friend of mine. I was always jealous to see Andie carrying her art portfolio around the halls as my parents wanted me to take all college directed courses which somehow left no room for art. Her blog is an eco-conscious person’s dream.

Her suggestions on how to make a spray that attracts beneficial insects instead of using toxic chemicals,  and how to repurpose tomato cages, to decluttering projects is quite wonderful. Andie has been a writer and an editor for years but devotes a lot of time to environmental efforts. Her blog synthesizes both. Check out one of her post here http://www.thegreenqueenofmod.com/memorable-masterpieces/  on saving children’s art and  consider signing up while you are perusing her posts. She’s also on Twitter @greenqueenofmod.

As to Bumble Puss, this painting is 6″ by 6″ Ink and Mixed Media on Aquabord, varnished and framed. $150.00 plus shipping.


Filed under Art, New Work

Long Expected

Long Expected

Sometimes it is interesting to see the works of an artist from their past. This painting was done when I was pregnant with our first child, Anthea. Teddy bears were on the menu. I had been working in a totemic structure with a landscape below. I would often include myself and my spouse somewhere in the painting.

In this one I remember delighting in making a pregnant creature couple. You can see I was influenced by  Rousseau from the start of my painting career.  I was working in a larger format, 18″ by 24″. This reminds me to stretch myself and make larger paintings.

I still have several of my original works from the late 1970’s and early 80’s. This one was made in 1983. Our cats at the time usually managed to make their way into my paintings.


Filed under Art

It’s A Jungle Out There!

Jungle Boogie copy copy

Today is day 30 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30. A big thank you to Leslie for hosting this annual challenge.

Although I did not manage to get 30 paintings done as I had several projects and paintings due for exhibits, I was able to finish this larger painting over the past two weeks.

Right now I would be happy to be lounging on a branch in the jungle, soaking up the warmth in a secret hide away.

And the poppies…well…there are seed heads in the upper right quadrant!

This is a 12″ x 9″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord.


Filed under Art, New Work

Lounge Leopard

All cats are Leopards after dark

Busy month but tomorrow I hope to post one of my larger paintings which I am just finishing up.

This pensive little guy is all ready to get his spots.

“All Cats Are Leopards After Dark”   Attributed to a Native American proverb.



Filed under Art, New Work

Will They?


I have been working to get more glow in my paintings and am finally succeeding. I am adding a little gouache and acrylic to parts of the painting. Can you tell that all the animals are wondering if these two creatures will become a couple?

I know they have been spending a lot of time together.

I picked this work up at the framers today. I decided to use a cherry frame and am so pleased I did. I feel the good karma in this painting.

Sometimes I am asked how long it takes for me to make a painting like this. I kept track of the hours and yes, this took 43 hours to do.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 8.44.02 PM

This weekend brings lots of nice events. I am planning to pick quince at Rocky Brook Orchard. Greg, the owner, has emailed me that the last of the quince will be ripe this weekend.  I love to make quince jam and quince paste.

I am gallery sitting at The Art Stable Gallery Westport on Saturday (stop in for a glass of champagne, to see all the new artworks, and to see what painting I will be working on).

On Sunday I have will be going to the opening of  ” BIRDS OF A FEATHER” at Kathrine Lovell’s Gallery and Studio at Tiverton Four Corners. The opening is from 1PM to 5PM and has some really cool work. I have 3 pieces in this exhibit. Kitty’s (Kathrine Lovell) openings have earned a reputation for a rocking good time so if you are in the area you will not be disappointed.

Will They?  is a 12″ by 9″ mixed media (first time I have used that term for these works) framed in a cherry frame.

To purchase contact me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net. I am always happy to work out a payment plan. Or click the link below.


Filed under Art, New Work

Flaubert’s Stroll

nice elephant

Flaubert has rejoined me and is so adorable. Gustave of course will be coming.

I love the patterns in this painting.

Stay tuned as I will be posting about my Cuttyhunk Journey this weekend.

Flaubert is a 7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board and is for sale for $225 framed in a shadow box frame.


Filed under New Work