Tag Archives: Ink and Watercolor

Smile, I’m a Bee!

Boston Harbor 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor Framed painting of Boston south through Cape Cod.  Available 


She’s There. 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor Framed painting of New England Coastline.  Available

Terra Incognita 11″ x 14″ Ink and Watercolor  Framed painting of Newport and surroundings. Available


Two bee.

One bee

Fly Bee

Witch Hazel Bee

Hive bees

Winter on Nannaquaket

Sunsets across the Sakonnet

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Filed under Art, New Work, Studio

It’s A Jungle Out There!

Jungle Boogie copy copy

Today is day 30 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30. A big thank you to Leslie for hosting this annual challenge.

Although I did not manage to get 30 paintings done as I had several projects and paintings due for exhibits, I was able to finish this larger painting over the past two weeks.

Right now I would be happy to be lounging on a branch in the jungle, soaking up the warmth in a secret hide away.

And the poppies…well…there are seed heads in the upper right quadrant!

This is a 12″ x 9″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord.


Filed under Art, New Work

Greek Vase Figure

Screen Shot 2014-01-04 at 11.30.54 PMThis is a Greek vase figure in the Egyptian style. Downright frigid here in the northeast but to nearly as cold as the midwest where I hope everyone is able to stay warm. Talking to a friend in Abu Dabai this morning. It is evening there and they are having their first rain in several months and the temperature is a cool 68 @ 6PM.

3  1/2″ x 2 1/2″ Ink and Watercolor $25


Filed under Art, New Work

Day 6 Red Ground Black Poppies

Red Ground, Black Poppies

Some of you may know that I am influenced by the pottery of Ancient Greece. I loved my trip there in my youth exploring temples in Athens, the islands, and the peloponnesus.

So here is my pun of black figure red ground, the earliest style of greek pottery from around the 7th century B.C. Initially developed in Corinth, but used by Greek and especially Athenian potters, this became the main style for decorating vases until the technique of red figure black ground was developed around 500 B.C.

I am very fond of the collection at the Metropolitan but would happily return to Greece again. The Fitzwilliam Museum has an excellent collection and resource explaining the technique. Their museum link will take you to their article on greek pottery.

Still trying to keep my theme of poppies going.

This is a little 3 1/2″ x 2 1.2″ Ink and watercolor. $25


Filed under Art, New Work

High Heeled Chicken

High Heeled Chicken


A chicken always needs a good pair of high heels. Need I say more.

Sometimes it is hard to get a good photograph when using Arches cold press watercolor paper. The bumps on the paper cause the areas in-between to shadow to grey.

Sweet 7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor  already in a matte. $50.


Filed under Art, New Work



Having fun with painting for a bird show. Can’t keep those silly creatures from popping up!

Cute little 6″ by 6″ framed and ready to go.


Filed under Art, New Work

Mother Goddess, 30 paintings in 30 days, day 17

Mother Godess 1 copy

Today was such a lovely day. David and I got to sleep late and wake to a gorgeous sunny morning with the sun sparkling off the snow and water. Eventually we left the nest and picked up my art work at the Art Stable Gallery. It was sad to see it empty and closed for the winter.

We went over to Newport, RI for me to drop off a work and then we had a cup of  French cocoa at a wonderful shop,  La Maison de Coco, which infuses hot chocolate with tea. I had thai spiced milk chocolate and David had plum oolong dark cocoa. The countryside looked gorgeous despite the cold day.

Then David was dear enough to get all my supplies ready for an oil painting class I am taking with Kelley MacDonald starting Saturday.  I was able to draw and ink in one of my paintings of a bunny and an egret in a field of poppies, but no time for painting it in. That will be tomorrows task. So today, a lovely Mother Goddess.

This is a small 3 1/2″ by 2 1/2 ” ink and watercolor.


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I almost dumped this painting. I drew it one day in pencil, inked it another and painted it for 10 hours ( yup 10 hours) today. And I was not happy with the background. It was too dark. So I changed the color of it and painted the background gold.

It did not look right. My husband, knowing my frustration suggested I run it under the sprayer in the kitchen sink to see what would happen.

Well, my painting appeared!

I was so surprised. The gold was made from  mica chips and titanium white paint and it all washed away. So here is my very 20 hour day 15 painting.Of course it is another of my jungle type Rousseau paintings Medyn style. It is named for the little lady sitting on top of the world and enjoying herself.

This is an 8″ by 10″ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. It is framed in a wood shadow box frame that is painted black. It is for sale for $450.00.

To purchase you can click the buy now button or contact me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net



Filed under Art, New Work

Pard On Me

Pard On Me

Those of you who know the book, The Medieval Bestiary will recognize the Pard. Pards were feline animals with spotted coats that were known to be extremely fast, considered as fast as cheetahs. Pards would mate with Lions and have offspring that were Leopards. This is another one of my newer Henri Rousseau influenced paintings. I am working on 2 more at the moment.

This painting is done in ink and watercolor on Aqua Board and is 5″ by 7″. It is framed in a black shadow box frame and is for sale for $250. To purchase click the PayPal link below.

It will be on display at The Art Stable Gallery Westport starting Saturday unless it finds a home sooner.

Here is hoping  you can come and meet the artists at our Holiday Open House on Sunday November 18th, 2012 from 2-5PM. It should be a lovely afternoon to browse the gallery and have a glass or two of cheer.



Filed under New Work, Studio

Happy Day!

Hot Tamales


Just some cheery guys that like to hang around.

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