Tag Archives: Ink and Watercolor Painting

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva for Blog Susan Medyn © October 2015

Lady Godiva

Ink on Aquabord

My newest drawing that I will be painting over the next few weeks.

I am still trying to find a publisher for an adult coloring book. This has been a major challenge for me but I am persistent.

I think this would make a wonderfully meditative coloring page.


Filed under New Work

Hot Tamale!

Hot Tamale ©

I am going back to doing more works on watercolor paper as I have better control of colors than on Aquabord.

This was done a while back, but I always have loved all the conversations going on. Can’t you just see the tall figure on the right scolding the poor man with the beret. I have no idea what he has done, but she isn’t happy.  Also the green and yellow creatures seem to be having quite an intent discussion. Most fun to me are the 3rd and 4th creatures from the right. Usually my creatures are communicating to one another or listening, but these 2 are posing!

This is a 14″ by 11″ Ink and Watercolor framed in a hand made cherry frame.


Filed under Art, New Work

Trip The Light Fantastic

Painting new ©

Wow oh wow, was this fun to do. I have been working on this painting for sometime now and am thrilled with how bright and vibrant it is. I hope you feel  joyful after looking at this. I love the psychedelic colors.

For those of you who don’t know my process, I was recording the time it took to make this painting.

So here it is:

6 hours for the initial drawing in pencil and then a rest for a few days to re look and revise.

1 hour for revisions.

4 hours  for inking the outline in with a crow quill pen and indelible ink.

And now time to take a guess to win a beautiful set of cards!!!!

This took me quite awhile. I have been working on this on and off for 3 weeks and if you take a guess at how many hours I painted this, leave a comment below.  I will mail a pack of lovely new cards to the person who is closest. I have a little more tweaking for a few creatures and this painting will be set to go.

I will be sending this painting off to Belgium for an exhibit at the Chateaux de Waroux for a  September exhibition if this doesn’t sell before then. Of course, I would happily send it off to a new owner. And yes, Chateaux de Waroux is one of the rare round castles! You can learn about it in the link above.

Chateau Waroux

This is a 9″ by 12″ ink and watercolor on Aquabord and is for sale for $550 varnished and framed in a cherry frame.


Filed under Art, New Work

Long Expected

Long Expected

Sometimes it is interesting to see the works of an artist from their past. This painting was done when I was pregnant with our first child, Anthea. Teddy bears were on the menu. I had been working in a totemic structure with a landscape below. I would often include myself and my spouse somewhere in the painting.

In this one I remember delighting in making a pregnant creature couple. You can see I was influenced by  Rousseau from the start of my painting career.  I was working in a larger format, 18″ by 24″. This reminds me to stretch myself and make larger paintings.

I still have several of my original works from the late 1970’s and early 80’s. This one was made in 1983. Our cats at the time usually managed to make their way into my paintings.


Filed under Art

Lobster Party


I must say I struggled away with this lobster. Initially he was colored in very light blues with hints of red. Yes, I wanted him to look like he had just come out of the sea. When I looked at my work  from a distance I felt that the values were too close, so this guy got some make up. I have seen bluish-red lobsters but really, if you are wearing dancing shoes you can be any color you want to be.

This is a 7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord.  I have started on a sea series and hope that I can do justice to what I imagine under the sea parties must be like.  To purchase click the Paypal link below.

I am also one of the featured artists on the front page of Turning Art  this week. Click on over to take a look.


Filed under Art, New Work

Anthea’s Easter Skating Party

Along with an Easter basket, our children often received Easter paintings. This one was for Anthea who was quite a good ice skater in her time. In her early days as a skater she did a solo piece along with Jenny Kirk ,who later became the World Junior Champion 2000 and a 4 continents champion. Anthea and Jenny  both had the same coach when they were 9.

Happy Easter.   Wesolych Swiat.    Joyeuses Pâques.     Boa Pascoa.

That’s all I know folks!


Filed under Art

Captain’s Quarters

CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS, 14" x 10", $500 frameD

CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS, 14″ x 10″, $500 framed

So occasionally my creatures are a tad erotic. There are a few in this painting. You know that I do have fun hiding things within my paintings. The captain is quite oblivious to what is going on around him.  The cool cat sure would like to get to know the lady in the red dress a bit better. The red cat obviously already has gotten to know the winged woman he is talking to.  Amazing how much we miss if we aren’t paying attention.

I am thrilled to see so many birds at the feeders now. I noticed the egrets have returned although they had a few very cold wet weeks they had to deal with. As I drive to and from work I saw them huddled in Adamsville Pond.  Below is a photo of them in the summer. They use this spot as their rookery.



Filed under Art

Day 11 0f 30 in 30, Flower Delivery

Flower Delivery

I didn’t have much time to paint the past few days as I have had a sinus infection.

With Amazon talking about drone delivery to one’s door, I thought it would be much nicer to get a delivery via a happy chick.



Filed under Art, New Work

Bond’s Bombardier

Bond's Bombideer copy


Do you remember the James Bond movie where the villain’s sexy girls shoot from their bras?

Well I have a little bombardier here. No danger intended, just one of my funny creatures.


Filed under Art, New Work

30 in 30 coming up! Nose Ring and Happy 2014!

Nose Ring S Medyn © 2014


Happy New Year! I am participating in Leslie Byrd Saeta’s 30 in 30 but have set a goal to make small works in between making larger paintings for a group exhibit in Poland this Spring. Hop on over to Leslie’s page to see the works of  360 artists who are participating in this painting challenge.

My life has been quite busy. I thought I had the past week off but ended up working one day with clients in crisis and then spent a few days in upstate NY helping my mom out after a surgery. She is 87 and is doing great. The 7 hour  trip home though was through a pelting rainstorm. Luckily we were able to stop off at a good friend’s for a visit. This year brings many changes in my life and I am planning to relish them.


Filed under Art