Tag Archives: cat painting on aqua board

Cat Scratching

cat scratching ©

Can you tell that there are 2 cats scratching creatures. A twist on the usual cat getting scratched by their owner. Our cats love petting. In fact Arthur is now wearing a pheromone collar to remind him of his mom. Amazing all the things a vet might recommend. It is supposed to help Arthur feel more secure. Time will tell.

I am gallery sitting at the Art Stable Gallery Westport today. Stop in and see new work by several of the ASG artists. I have added several new paintings and will be working on a new one while I am there.

This painting is 7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. It is varnished and framed in a shadow box frame.


Filed under Art, New Work

Do You Think They A Couple?

Do You think they are a couple?

Working on this new painting. The two creatures on the right are wondering whether the cat and giraffe are a couple. What do you think?



Filed under Art, New Work

Up and Coming Cats

2 cats in forest jungle

I am working on this larger piece that I finished inking in today. I am not sure if they are my cats or wild cats.


Filed under Art, New Work

Here they are, all 30 paintings in a collage.

PicMonkey Collage3Well 30 days has passed and I started 2 paintings  yesterday that I am going to turn into encaustics. I certainly think I would have gotten the award for the most variety in media on this challenge. A lot of this was experimentation for me as what I normally do takes several days to complete. The collage was made by a cool program called picmonkey.

Now I am turning back to working on my Rousseau like paintings that I will be needing for an exhibition. I usually complete a painting in a week.

Happy Ground Hog Day and happy birthday to my dear friend Patricia Barr who is working in chilly Fairbanks, Alaska!


Filed under Art, New Work