Tag Archives: Visionary Art

Calendar Girls 2016

I haven’t been posting in awhile so it is time to catch up!  It has been a very busy winter. I had a knee replacement October 26th. I am happy to say it feels great and I am thrilled to be out of pain.  I have been busy making sketches and preparing for summer open studios (if you can imagine that).

I hope you enjoy seeing these pieces. If you are interested in any of these,  you should know that they are all framed and available for sale. You can email me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net.

Calendar Girls

                                       Calendar Girls       Ink and Watercolor 12″ x 9″    $600                                                            

Petting The Human

Petting The Human   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord  10″ x 8″   $400


Owling   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord   12″ x 9″ This has a lovely coper pattern in the night sky that glows in daylight.  $600


Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk  &” x 5″ Ink and Watercolor   $75.00

The Trees Are Alive

The Trees Are Alive,  Ink and Watercolor   3.5″ x 2.5″        $35                       


Surge Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Reef Madness

Reef Madness  Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Sea Anemone

  Sea Anemone Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed

Rising Tide

Rising Tide   Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord 6″ x 6″   $100 framed


Filed under Art, New Work

Beyond The Oort Cloud

Beyond the OORT CLOUD! copyBeyond The Oort Cloud

Ink and Watercolor

9″ x 12 ” framed $400

I was asked to make 2 painting for an invitational exhibit based on the book Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin for the Attleboro Arts Museum. This is one of the two created for the show. I enjoyed going slightly demonic in my drawings. This painting is on 300 pound cold press Arches watercolor paper and is framed in a maple frame.


Filed under Art

Trip The Light Fantastic

Painting new ©

Wow oh wow, was this fun to do. I have been working on this painting for sometime now and am thrilled with how bright and vibrant it is. I hope you feel  joyful after looking at this. I love the psychedelic colors.

For those of you who don’t know my process, I was recording the time it took to make this painting.

So here it is:

6 hours for the initial drawing in pencil and then a rest for a few days to re look and revise.

1 hour for revisions.

4 hours  for inking the outline in with a crow quill pen and indelible ink.

And now time to take a guess to win a beautiful set of cards!!!!

This took me quite awhile. I have been working on this on and off for 3 weeks and if you take a guess at how many hours I painted this, leave a comment below.  I will mail a pack of lovely new cards to the person who is closest. I have a little more tweaking for a few creatures and this painting will be set to go.

I will be sending this painting off to Belgium for an exhibit at the Chateaux de Waroux for a  September exhibition if this doesn’t sell before then. Of course, I would happily send it off to a new owner. And yes, Chateaux de Waroux is one of the rare round castles! You can learn about it in the link above.

Chateau Waroux

This is a 9″ by 12″ ink and watercolor on Aquabord and is for sale for $550 varnished and framed in a cherry frame.


Filed under Art, New Work

Bumblepuss Makes a Delivery

BUMBLE PUSS delivers a blob I am loving working with a mixed gouache for the background as I can control the evenness of the color much better than with straight watercolor. Bumble Puss has just delivered this little blob to Ms. Mercat and her friend is looking on appreciatively. Not so for the cloudy seahorse who is wondering when he will get his delivery. Spring has sprung and yellow, blue and purple are the colors of the June irises I have in my yard.

I wanted to mention a wonderful blog by a high school friend of mine. I was always jealous to see Andie carrying her art portfolio around the halls as my parents wanted me to take all college directed courses which somehow left no room for art. Her blog is an eco-conscious person’s dream.

Her suggestions on how to make a spray that attracts beneficial insects instead of using toxic chemicals,  and how to repurpose tomato cages, to decluttering projects is quite wonderful. Andie has been a writer and an editor for years but devotes a lot of time to environmental efforts. Her blog synthesizes both. Check out one of her post here http://www.thegreenqueenofmod.com/memorable-masterpieces/  on saving children’s art and  consider signing up while you are perusing her posts. She’s also on Twitter @greenqueenofmod.

As to Bumble Puss, this painting is 6″ by 6″ Ink and Mixed Media on Aquabord, varnished and framed. $150.00 plus shipping.


Filed under Art, New Work

Captain’s Quarters

CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS, 14" x 10", $500 frameD

CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS, 14″ x 10″, $500 framed

So occasionally my creatures are a tad erotic. There are a few in this painting. You know that I do have fun hiding things within my paintings. The captain is quite oblivious to what is going on around him.  The cool cat sure would like to get to know the lady in the red dress a bit better. The red cat obviously already has gotten to know the winged woman he is talking to.  Amazing how much we miss if we aren’t paying attention.

I am thrilled to see so many birds at the feeders now. I noticed the egrets have returned although they had a few very cold wet weeks they had to deal with. As I drive to and from work I saw them huddled in Adamsville Pond.  Below is a photo of them in the summer. They use this spot as their rookery.



Filed under Art

Venus Ascending

Venus Ascending

Here I am again playing with cats and adding a bull like creature from the Egyptian Orientalizing period.

Good Karma happening here!

To purchase this  7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board, varnished and framed in a shadow box frame, click below.


Filed under Art, New Work

Snake Charmer

snake charmeraugust 2013©

When it comes to imaginary creatures I seem to have no lack of new ones that pop into my head and make it to the paper. I wanted to paint a wild creature who just by looking at her you knew she could tame snakes. Well I think I accomplished that. Possibly even could scare them away.

The flower on the upper right comes from a drawing I made of flowers on a sugar bowl that was on our outdoor table at the Hotel Opera where we spent our last night in Munich. When we went out to dinner we decided to eat nearby and found some lovely outdoor restaurants. Only 2 cars went by during the 2 plus hours we sat and dined…and one of them was a cab. Heaven!

It was wonderful to be in a city where public transportation and clean air is so valued.

This is a 7″ by 5″ Ink and Watercolor framed in a black frame and ready to hang. Bitsy tells me that this one still needs to be at the special Cart(Cat+ art) price of $150 so I am not arguing with her. I already have sympathy knee pain and found out from the orthopedist that I need a new knee.  OY! I am hoping to put it off a bit as I have lots on my agenda for the next few months.

And I am going on an Artists Retreat to Cuttyhunk Island in September! Wonderful! This was a very special gift and I will share more next post.


Filed under Art, Studio

Egyptian Jungle and Bitsy Update.

Egyptian Jungle

I have always loved looking at  Greek objects especially those that have creatures in the Egyptian Orientalizing style. We were fortunate to see many at the Antikensammlung Museum in Munich, Germany. I only had time to make a few sketch’s as we had so much to see.  I was able to  incorporate some of my drawings into this 12″ by 9″ Ink and watercolor on Aqua Board. The owl is listening in. Maybe he will get to hear about our trip. I promise I will get to that in a future blog post. This painting has sold.


I am happy to report that Bitsy is feeling better. She is moving around more and needs such careful watching. Keeping her from jumping onto furniture is quite the challenge.

Thank you everyone who has participated in my cart sale. It was a tremendous success. I have mailed out all the paintings and cards and have heard that some people have already received them. I just need to arrange delivery of 2 paintings. I cannot tell you how thankful I am by the outpouring of  love for Bitsy and our plight. As I type she is resting her paw on my hand.

I still have a few more paintings at special Cat + Art sale prices that I will be posting soon. Joanne Grant will also be doing a special cart blog post on Monday August 12th so hop over to her site and take a peak. Her pastels are not to be missed. And of course open studios is coming up August 17th and 18th. The South Coast is absolutely gorgeous this time of year and the ocean swimming is great.



Filed under Uncategorized

The bunny part of a new work.


I have been working on a few pieces, taking time out from each to let them sit before I continue to work on them. I haven’t finished any recently as I have been moving in between them but thought I would post part of a 9″ by 12″ work on aqua board.

Thanks to all who signed up for my blog. I have a winner from the last 20 blog followers.  It is a lovely woman who bought my photo through Etsy. Well that is a nice surprise.

I love seeing the April daffodils and the early white forsythia blooming in our yard.

Happy Monday to all.




Filed under Art, New Work

Up and Coming Cats

2 cats in forest jungle

I am working on this larger piece that I finished inking in today. I am not sure if they are my cats or wild cats.


Filed under Art, New Work