Wow oh wow, was this fun to do. I have been working on this painting for sometime now and am thrilled with how bright and vibrant it is. I hope you feel joyful after looking at this. I love the psychedelic colors.
For those of you who don’t know my process, I was recording the time it took to make this painting.
So here it is:
6 hours for the initial drawing in pencil and then a rest for a few days to re look and revise.
1 hour for revisions.
4 hours for inking the outline in with a crow quill pen and indelible ink.
And now time to take a guess to win a beautiful set of cards!!!!
This took me quite awhile. I have been working on this on and off for 3 weeks and if you take a guess at how many hours I painted this, leave a comment below. I will mail a pack of lovely new cards to the person who is closest. I have a little more tweaking for a few creatures and this painting will be set to go.
I will be sending this painting off to Belgium for an exhibit at the Chateaux de Waroux for a September exhibition if this doesn’t sell before then. Of course, I would happily send it off to a new owner. And yes, Chateaux de Waroux is one of the rare round castles! You can learn about it in the link above.

This is a 9″ by 12″ ink and watercolor on Aquabord and is for sale for $550 varnished and framed in a cherry frame.