This is a 5″ by 7″ Ink and Watercolor painting on Aqua Board of Gustave the very mellow and friendly elephant who is dreaming about the holidays. Gustave is varnished and framed in a shadow box of black and oak. Gustave is for sale for $250. I have always continued to admire the work of Henri Rousseau and although this work is clearly in my style it is reflective of the influence of Rousseau. Gustave can be seen at The Art Stable Gallery Westport through December 23, 2012.
Tag Archives: Visionary Art
I’ve Got My Eyes On You!
I was working on this piece so that it would be in the Art Stable Gallery’s Holiday Open House yesterday. Thanks to everyone who came and joined in our holiday cheer.
In this painting, I went crazy with patterns.I love the work of Henri Rousseau and have made another painting influenced by his style. This leopard is eyeing the Mother Goddess. The bird monkey is wondering what the offspring will look like. That will be for another painting.
This is an 8″ by 8″ Ink and Watercolor on 2″ deep cradle board. You can see this work as well as many more of my works at the Art Stable Gallery weekends through Christmas from noon to 4:00PM.
This painting sold at the Holiday Open House.
Chickens, Watercolors, Open Studios and Baby Bluefish

Demo for Open Studios
Open Studios have passed and with it the flurry of activity painting, prepping, promoting and then meeting so many lovely visitors who came to see my work. I enjoyed giving a demo of the steps involved in making my paintings.
I got quite involved in making chickens this summer. I found that adding borders to my work has brought an illustrative quality to it.
These girls are on 8″ by 8 ” Ink and Watercolor on aqua board and are framed in a distressed frame that works well with the subject matter. This work is for sale for $150 plus $10 shipping or 2 for $275. If interested please email me at
I also made this very royal looking chicken who is wearing some very gorgeous feathers. This is another 8″ by 8″ Ink and Watercolor on aqua board, also for sale for $150 plus $10 shipping or 2 for $275. They make a lovely pair of paintings.
I was working on a drawing at a friends studio today and we both noticed the lack of humidity in the air, a sense that fall is approaching although the days are warm and the wildlife abundant. I spent the evening swimming and catching some baby blue fish AKA snappers for those of you who live on Long Island and skipjacks to the locals.
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I had the good fortune to be able to pick up some Fabriano watercolor paper and love how it holds the color. My friend Kitty Lovell and I decided that this lovely fish enjoys shopping at thrift stores where she happened to pick up this fabulous hat.
Take a look at Kitty’s website. She does incredible work.
Flugalfish is 12″ by 13″ and is framed to 18″ by 19″ in a lovely maple frame.
She is for sale for $550 and literally glows. I have a lot more Fabriano paper so I am sizing it so I can make more paintings for August open studios.
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C H I C K E N, that is the way we spell chicken.
Here is a little guy I did on aqua board as some of my new work for open studios. It is for sale for $75 and is 4″ by 4″. It is varnished so no need to frame unless you choose too.
Another little guy who is tuckered out as I am from this past weekends open studios.
He also is 4″ by 4″ on aqua board and for sale for $75.
Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported my work and the South Coast Artists open studio tours this past weekend. If you missed it you will have an opportunity to come the weekend of August 18th and 19th. It is a really wonderful way to spend a day touring around various artists studios as well as see the lovely countryside and the wonderful beaches and shops.
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I think she is hoping some one asks her to dance although I expect everyone would like to be her partner. This is a 9″ by 12″ Ink and Watercolor that befits this lovely summer time.This painting is done on white Arches 300 pound cold press watercolor paper although the photo does not show how white the paper is. Shall We Dance? is for sale for $400.00 framed. If you are interested please contact me at
I have been making these whimsical watercolors for 35 years and have just discovered aqua board. I will be posting some new works I have done on this material shortly.
This weather has been great for swimming and we have been trying to swim daily since Memorial Day. We have so many birds come to our feeders but this year the hummingbirds are preferring to go to the bee balm and other plants over the feeder. Enjoy the Fourth of July.
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This is a wonderful little guy that I wish lived in my neighborhood. Thanks to my friend Karen Barreira Raus for turning me on to this great product for making my paintings on. Check out her website at . She also does amazing encaustics and is showing with me at both the in Westport, MA ( don’t forget to stop by our opening reception on June 22nd from 6:00PM to 8:30PM) and at the in Mattapoisett, Ma.
Here is one of her photos.
I will be making more of these little paintings on cradle board and loving working with this medium.
If you are interested in purchasing please contact me at
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What are these things?

I Want To Hold Your Hand, 5″ by 7″ on aqua board. $ 95.00
I am having a lot of fun using a new surface for my paintings. I am making works on aqua board and think I will continue doing this as well as make my watercolors on Arches 300 pound watercolor paper.
This is called “Hair Grows” and is an Ink and Watercolor on aqua board. I like making smaller works. This is 6″ by 6″ and is SOLD. Thank you Jane. It will have a wonderful home.Thinking that this creature seems to be really mellow. Working on feeling that way too.

Looking for Lunch, 6″ by 6″ Ink and Watercolor on a 2″ deep cradle board.
Well, I was not as pleased with this one. My daughter likes it though so it will have a good home. I have found an interesting book, The Outsider Artist Resource Handbook and although I am not an outsider artist I am self-taught and a visionary artist. I have some works at a group show right now at Rope Walk Gallery in Mattapoisett, MA and at Imperial Gallery in Providence, RI. I also have several works at The Artful Heart in Arlington, MA. I would love to hear what you think of these new little guys.
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Necessary Fantasy, the title of an article about my work by Jes Zurrell in SOCO magazine April 2012 issue.
- Last page of article in SOCO MAgazine. It is easier to read by going to the link listed below.
Click on read on the left hand side and go to page 62, 63 and 64 to read the article.
I was delighted to read this article today. There are several pieces of my work as well as many new gicleés at Ropewalk Gallery in Mattapoisett, MA on County Road (Route 6). I will also have several pieces in a group show at Imperial Gallery in Providence, RI starting April 19th, 2012.
Filed under Studio
My friend Karen Raus of has been using cradle board to do encaustics utilizing her photography and paintings. I was interested in working on a surface other than paper so ordered some cradle boards from good ole Jerry’s Artarama and this is my first finished one. I love some of the mottling I can get using this material and am now working on several more.
This is a small 5″ by 7″ painting that is sold.
I am looking forward to working with this new board and have some 2 inch deep ones that I am thinking of doing a fish series on.
This weekend we were at a Memorial Service for a wonderful man and musician, Richard Lainhart. He has made some of the most incredible music and you can hear some of it here and at other links on YouTube and on the web. Richard was such a kind and gentle man. His wife, Caroline Meyers, was filled with such calm and composure at the Memorial that one was able to feel the serenity and love regarding the life of this man who left our world much too soon.
Another reminder to spend each day living and loving.
Filed under Studio