I found the creature on the left very endearing. It reminded me of my father, Frank, who was a real character. I do miss him. He had so many health problems in the last 7 years of his life but never complained. Quite a wonderful dad. Of course the mercat bunny is Alice, my mom. She is 87 and going strong. I thought I would show my process as it isn’t always as simple as it looks.

Here I am blow drying my drawing. My drawings go through several revisions before I decide that it is ready to be inked in. Using Aquabord involves wetting the surface prior to working on it. I find blow drying works best to remove the water without leaving any streaks.

I begin to ink in my work with a crow quill pen and indelible ink. Yes, exactly as though I were a school girl in the 1800’s.

I am beginning to work the under color of the poppies. And I bet you thought I just applied paint directly as one color….although it may look that way, I often work with several layers of color so that there will be subtle highlights.

I am painting Frank. Brings back some nice memories.

Putting more color into my painting. These creatures are bouncing on the poppy stem.

Finished! Of course I will need to varnish this work. I use several very light coats of archival satin varnish.
This is a work I made to use as a repeating pattern. I like it just as it is.
But I hope to explore options in Photoshop if I can get through some tutorials!
This is an 8″ x 8″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord. It purchase contact me at susanmedyn@cox.net.