Tag Archives: Susan Medyn

Petting the Human

petting the human1©

I am working on a new piece with some of my imaginary creatures. I have figured out the color scheme and am doing something I haven’t done before. I am painting the background in first. This is the most tedious part of painting on aqua board as the strokes all need to be in one direction and with the same consistency of color. I look forward to posting the finished piece later in the week.

Happy Thursday to all. Yesterday it was breezy all day and then last night the north wind blew for hours. I hope everyone stayed warm. We lit a fire which kept the house very cozy.



Filed under Art, New Work

Jungle Glow and Giclee Give Away!

Jungle Glow © LOW res1

This seems the perfect painting to post for Easter morning. I continue with my Henri Rousseau jungle theme a la Medyn. I am really getting into creating new foliage. It seems like life presents us with patterns everywhere we look and I am noticing oriental rugs, flowers, furniture, building adornments, fabric, cloud patterns, Film Noir and just about everything I look at.

Here is a close up. I often find that  parts of my paintings make quite interesting works.JUNGLE GLOW CLOSE UP © LOW RES

I had been in Asheville for 10 days visiting my sister and while I did get some painting and drawing done, I also really enjoyed spending time at the Grove Park Inn, riding on the  steep mountain roads, and going to the fabulous galleries and shops in downtown Asheville. There is a tremendous arts and crafts community there. It would be easy to spend months there. The later part of my trip was affected by our mom becoming ill and spending 5 days in the hospital. My sister drove home to upstate New York and is with her now as are my children. Arranging services has been quit time consuming but I continue to paint and work at expanding this series of paintings.

I only need 7 more people to sign up for my blog for me to randomly pick the name of one of the last 20 followers and send a gicleé to the winner. If you haven’t signed up, now is a great time to do so.

This is an 8″ by 10″ Ink and watercolor on Aqua Board. This painting hasn’t been varnished yet, but I will get to that tomorrow. It will be framed in a maple shadow box. It is for sale for $ 500.



Filed under Art, New Work

Bearing Strait and Gicleé give away for new blog followers.

Bearing Strai

I have been working on this painting for quite a while. There is so much going on in this painting, that I have spent a long time trying out colors and working out variations in the  patterns and ways to accentuate the creatures that I want you to notice.

This is another painting on aqua board. I am finding this leopard keeps making an appearance in my paintings. I think I need to give him a name.


Corner detail.

This painting is sold.

And……I would love if you haven’t already signed up for my blog for you to do so!

I am giving away a gicleé to one of the next 20 followers who sign up for my blog. If you are already signed up, consider asking a friend to follow my blog. Just email me who signed up and your name will be entered in this raffle.Email sign up is near the top right of the blog post and then you get an email in your spam that you must click on to activate your subscription. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed

Enjoy the beautiful weather that is coming up this week. Our witch hazels and snowdrops are blooming. Here is hoping the earth awakens in New England this week.


Filed under Art, New Work



This is the latest painting I have created. Wow, this took days to do given the detail and the need to work with the brush in one direction to get an even surface. This painting will surely be going to my exhibit in Europe this summer unless it sells before then.


You might notice that the background sparkles. The patterns are done in copper so there is a lovely glow to the painting depending on how you look at it and whether there is light shining on it.


I’m adding a few close ups as the patterns are quite intricate and surprising to look at.IMG_4056

This is the upper right corner.


These creatures are all having a caucus.

This is a 9″ by 12 ” Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. The largest painting on aqua board I have done to date. It is varnished and framed in a shadow box frame. They would really love to come live in your home.


Filed under Art, New Work

Be My Valentine!


When Valentine’s comes around with hearts and flowers and love, it is nice to remember that we all are loved in this wonderful world full of beauty at every turn.

This 5″ by 7″  painting on aqua board is a perfect gift for your sweetheart. This painting is specially priced at 175.00 today. I promise speedy shipping, an easel to stand it up in immediately, and an email straight to your sweetheart with a photo of what is coming if you like.

“A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you.”

Art is love.

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Filed under Art, New Work

Here they are, all 30 paintings in a collage.

PicMonkey Collage3Well 30 days has passed and I started 2 paintings  yesterday that I am going to turn into encaustics. I certainly think I would have gotten the award for the most variety in media on this challenge. A lot of this was experimentation for me as what I normally do takes several days to complete. The collage was made by a cool program called picmonkey.

Now I am turning back to working on my Rousseau like paintings that I will be needing for an exhibition. I usually complete a painting in a week.

Happy Ground Hog Day and happy birthday to my dear friend Patricia Barr who is working in chilly Fairbanks, Alaska!


Filed under Art, New Work

Up and Away, 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 30, Oh My!

Up up and away

I really love everything going on in this painting. Laying on of hands, midwifery, flying in the air, trumpets playing, creatures talking.

This is a 9″ by 12 ” Ink and Watercolor on Arches 300 pound cold press paper. I do enjoy making paintings in my usual style.

So, 30 days of 30 paintings has come to an end. A great challenge with over 200 participants started by Leslie Saeta. You can see everyone’s works on her blog page.

This painting will be matted and framed in a maple frame. It is for sale for $450.00 framed and $350.00 unframed.


Filed under Art, New Work

3 Little Kittens, 30 Days of 30 Paintings, day 29

3 kittens

I have been working on a larger painting for day 30 so today I am posting a drawing that I will complete over the next week. I continue with my poppies, enjoying the thought of them blooming this summer. But we did have gorgeous witch hazel blossoms today as the temperature hit 55.


These have a heavenly scent.  So joyous to be outdoors and smell their fragrance wafting on the breeze.

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Filed under Art, New Work

Be Mine, day 28 of 30 paintings in 30 days.

be mine1


Another quick little painting. I guess I have Valentine’s on my mind. Another painting taken at night….hate to get those shadows in it, but the paper is all one color off white.

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Filed under Art, New Work

Posies, Day 27 of 30 paintings in 30 days.



Who doesn’t like flowers. A little posie painting as today is a very busy day.  Also could be a little Valentine. Drawing is 5″ by 7″.


Filed under Art, New Work