Tag Archives: Imaginary Art



This is the latest painting I have created. Wow, this took days to do given the detail and the need to work with the brush in one direction to get an even surface. This painting will surely be going to my exhibit in Europe this summer unless it sells before then.


You might notice that the background sparkles. The patterns are done in copper so there is a lovely glow to the painting depending on how you look at it and whether there is light shining on it.


I’m adding a few close ups as the patterns are quite intricate and surprising to look at.IMG_4056

This is the upper right corner.


These creatures are all having a caucus.

This is a 9″ by 12 ” Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. The largest painting on aqua board I have done to date. It is varnished and framed in a shadow box frame. They would really love to come live in your home.


Filed under Art, New Work

Posies, Day 27 of 30 paintings in 30 days.



Who doesn’t like flowers. A little posie painting as today is a very busy day.  Also could be a little Valentine. Drawing is 5″ by 7″.


Filed under Art, New Work

She’s Sick So Who Is Going To Feed Us? Day 21 of 30 days of 30 paintings.

She's SickSO who is going to fed us.

We have colds at our house. We both left work early to rest. The cats were waiting for food and didn’t get it right away so I made a little painting with them in mind.

I worked on a larger painting tonight for a little while,  but  feel I need to go slowly and thoughtfully to make it the best I can.


Filed under Art, New Work

He’s All That, 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days.


He's All That. copyJust a quickie as I have had to work all day. Lighting was not great for photographing. Wish I could have watched the inauguration.

But maybe a poppy painting tomorrow.


Filed under Art, New Work

Mother Goddess, 30 paintings in 30 days, day 17

Mother Godess 1 copy

Today was such a lovely day. David and I got to sleep late and wake to a gorgeous sunny morning with the sun sparkling off the snow and water. Eventually we left the nest and picked up my art work at the Art Stable Gallery. It was sad to see it empty and closed for the winter.

We went over to Newport, RI for me to drop off a work and then we had a cup of  French cocoa at a wonderful shop,  La Maison de Coco, which infuses hot chocolate with tea. I had thai spiced milk chocolate and David had plum oolong dark cocoa. The countryside looked gorgeous despite the cold day.

Then David was dear enough to get all my supplies ready for an oil painting class I am taking with Kelley MacDonald starting Saturday.  I was able to draw and ink in one of my paintings of a bunny and an egret in a field of poppies, but no time for painting it in. That will be tomorrows task. So today, a lovely Mother Goddess.

This is a small 3 1/2″ by 2 1/2 ” ink and watercolor.


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Who’s He, What’s He? by Susan Medyn, Day 16 of 30 days of paintings.


I was up at 6 AM to get to work from 9 to 6. I just had an hour break so was able to complete a little creature. We have Poetry Reading tonight at Gallery 55 in Natick, MA and David will be reading  Tam O’Shanter one of my favorites from  Robert Burns. When we went to Ayr, Scotland, I saw quite a sight, a large heron scooping up a frog and eating it whole (of course) underneath the bridge that Ole Tam escaped over. I do love Burns, and when I can’t sleep and David reads poetry to me, it is one of the most wonderful gifts. I settle into the words and can barely stay awake. Of course poetry group conflicts with South Coast’s Artists monthly meeting and that presents scheduling challenges.

This little Who’s He What’s He has quite the funny expression. Maybe he has been listening to the poetry in my head.

So it is day 16 of Leslie Saeta’s painting challenge and I am up to date. It has been a month of discovery and play and I am thrilled I am pushing the boundaries of my work.

This little guy is for sale for $20. He is a 2 1/2″ by 3 1/2″.


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I really enjoyed painting today. The  sun was so bright that the nearby water was so reflective that it was hard not to gaze at the sea. The poppy is the symbol for Morpheus the  Greek god of dreams.

This is a 5″ by 7″ Ink and Watercolor on aqua board  for day 5 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 day painting challenge.

This painting is going to the home of a wonderful artist Susan Klabak as a trade for one of her wonderful paintings.


Filed under Art, New Work

30 Days of 30 Paintings, Day 4, Wiggly Squiggly

WIGGLY SQUIGGLYIt takes so long to work on my usual paintings so I have been playing a bit with color.

I am forging along in the 30 days 30 paintings inspired by Leslie Saeta. If you click on her name it will take you to her blog where you can see the work of about 250 painters posting daily.

This painting is  a 5″ by 7″  watercolor on aqua board that is varnished  so no need for glass.It really sparkles!

Purchase price is $50, shipping included.



Filed under Art, New Work


Watching You!

This leopard was just woken from his nap and is looking at you. The bushes are hiding snakes and the lizard is climbing the tree.

This is my 3rd in a month long project of 30 paintings in 30 days started by Leslie Saeta. I continue to make paintings influenced by the  style of Henri Rousseau. I have 3 large ones and a small one inked in that I am hoping to paint during over the month of January plus several ideas percolating in my head.

This painting is 5 by 7 and is Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board that I varnish and place in a shadow box. SOLD



Filed under Art, Studio

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 2, and Wiggly Squiggly Sperm!

SPERMMy work is so detailed that this is quite a challenge to make 30 paintings in 30 days, especially since I need to complete new work for several shows and open studios coming up this Spring and Summer.

So today I played with paint. Even though my work is playful, it is so unlike me to go at something free form. This is a 5 by 7 watercolor on aqua board that is varnished. Love those luminescent paints!

My tools usually are my #3 pencil,  Crow Quill pen, India Ink, and an eraser, even before I get to any painting. So hopefully tomorrow I will have finished another creature feature. They take the better part of a day to complete.

I certainly thank Kelley McDonald and Leslie Saeta for inspiring me to challenge myself. Sometimes it is the offhand comment that sparks a dream in one’s mind which propels us forward.


Filed under Art, New Work