Tag Archives: imaginary landscape

Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva for Blog Susan Medyn © October 2015

Lady Godiva

Ink on Aquabord

My newest drawing that I will be painting over the next few weeks.

I am still trying to find a publisher for an adult coloring book. This has been a major challenge for me but I am persistent.

I think this would make a wonderfully meditative coloring page.


Filed under New Work

Booby Hatch

Booby Hatch © SUSAN MEDYN

BOOBY HATCH $400 framed.

I love the little Dr. Suess like lady in pink in this painting. I think the character on the left with the hat could even qualify for a Suess like creature. One thing that the urban dictionary states is that the Booby Hatch was a hatch meant to keep a small sea-bird named the boobie from flying below deck. One type actually has beautiful blue feet~I must add them to one of my paintings!

Take this title however you like but it is breast cancer awareness month and I am donating 1/4 of  the proceeds of all October sales to Breastcancer.org

They are an amazing organization that provides support and information for women through all stages of breast cancer. I have met so many amazing women through them and want to give back for all they have given to me. Everyone deserves a fighting chance and breastcancer.org has led so many women to seek life saving treatment  that they would not have known about except for this incredible site.


Filed under Art

A Poppy for Your Thoughts, Day 19 of 30 Days of 30 Paintings.

A Poppy for your thoughts. copy

I drew this while at Gallery 55 Poetry Reading Thursday night. I really love the two creatures in the tree  and the two birds eavesdropping on the bunny and egret. This is another in my series of paintings inspired by Henri Rousseau.

I moved all my supplies upstairs today. I prefer painting in my studio there. I love the view and the light but it is colder upstairs and I try to stay warm without turning up the heat too much. Don Cadoret, story teller artist,  told me where to find alpaca wool socks and that has helped  quite a bit as has one of my Christmas presents of a pair of wool socks. Oh and a lovely cowl made by painter Kathrine Lovell. Oh joy! For the days are longer, Spring will soon arrive and I have clothes to keep me warm while I paint.
Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 4.59.31 PMI also am the lucky new owner of a beautiful pastel by Susan Klabak. I admired her work on the 30 day challenge and we ended up trading paintings. I loved the very first one I saw and  when we became virtual friends and decided to trade I thought for a few days but went right back to her day one painting. Her work is a real treasure so if you find yourself with a moment take a look at her website.

A Poppy for Your Thoughts is a 5″ by 7″ ink and watercolor on aqua board. It is varnished and framed in a shadow box frame and for sale for $250.

Thanks to everyone who requested more poppy paintings. I am pleased to be doing more. And thank you Leslie Saeta for keeping me focussed for this month of January.




Filed under Art, New Work