Tag Archives: Fantastical Creatures


Flybaby, 8″ by 8″ Ink and Watercolor on 2″ deep Cradle Board. Private Collection

This is a wonderful little guy that I wish lived in my neighborhood. Thanks to my friend Karen Barreira Raus for turning me on to this great product for making my paintings on. Check out her website at www.karenraus.com . She also does amazing encaustics and is showing with me at both the http://www.artstablegallery.com/  in Westport, MA ( don’t forget to stop by our opening reception on June 22nd from 6:00PM to 8:30PM) and at the http://ropewalkgallery.com/ in Mattapoisett, Ma.

Here is one of her photos.

Photo by Karen Raus

I will be making more of these little paintings on cradle board and loving working with this medium.

If you are interested in purchasing please contact me at susanmedyn@cox.net


Filed under Studio

One from the Hawaii series and dining al fresco!

Shall We Dine?, Ink and Watercolor, 9″ by 12″, Private Collection

Think how nice it would be to eat al fresco on a lovely June day enjoying the company of friends and family. I love to celebrate the wonderful June birthdays in our family, my spouse, David,  and our son, Alex. Soon followed by our daughter Anthea’s birthday  and my sister-in-law, Ellen’s in early July.

I drew this painting while on a lovely vacation to Hawaii this past January. The trip was a present from my sister, who is one of my greatest supporters running neck and neck with my spouse who has always, and I mean always, encouraged me to continue making the kinds of paintings I make.

While in Hawaii, we sat on our balcony and watched rays swimming  below us ( there is one on the left side of the picture) and saw whales go by as we ate our breakfast . The plant life in Hawaii was even more colorful than my paintings and I have many photos of flowers and trees so I can include them in future paintings.

And it would be great if you are  able to come to the Art Stable Gallery Westport’s opening bash on June 22nd from 6:00PM to 8:30PM at 865 Main Road in Westport, MA. I have many works there with 7 other wonderful artists, Kelley MacDonald, Sara Fielding Gunn, Nancy Whittin, Kelly Milukas, Joney Swift, Kathleen Gray, and Karen Raus. The first party of the summer is always special.

So happy to post this new works. Would love to hear what you think about them.


Filed under Studio

New paintings on aqua board.

Hide and Seek is part of my new series of smaller creatures and sea life on aqua board.

It has a wonderful cheerfulness about it. Sold.

They Fly Through The Air, 5″ by 7″ Framed in a Wooden Frame $50.00/SOLD!


This is a lovely little 6″ by 6″ painting that I have just finished on aqua board. Sold.

And lastly is an 8″ by 8″ painting on aqua board called Nautalisk. I have added a few pictures to show the process of making my work. This painting is for sale for $125.00 framed. It is on view at Partners Country Store in Westport, MA.

Nautalick inked in.

Nautalick being worked on.

Nautalick, 8″ by 8′ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. Framed and for sale for $125.00. On View at Partners Country Store, Westport, MA.

If you are interested in purchasing any of my work please contact me at susanmedyn@cox.net.

Please let me know what you think of these new works!


Filed under Studio