Tag Archives: abstract painting



Primordial SOLD

Mixed Media   6″ x 6″


Filed under Abstract Art


nebula, interstellar cloud dust, abstract painting,


Nebula  $50

Mixed Media  6″ x 6″

The title feels fitting for this piece. I never thought I would love making abstract paintings as much as I do.


Filed under Abstract Art


Whirl, abstract painting, copper, red, blue, confluence,


Whirl   SOLD

Mixed Media   6″ x 6″

Today is day 17 of  Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30 painting challenge. I have gotten off track due to illness but hope to try some more abstracts. I have found I have a big learning curve ahead of me. I wish I could be meandering the Modern Museum as I welcome the inspiration.

Still working on my curious creature paintings and I hope to have some finished soon.


Filed under Abstract Art



Confluence $50

Mixed Media 6″ x 6″

Coriolis effect. Amphidromic point. Cotidal lines.


Filed under Art, New Work



Flight   SOLD

Mixed Media 6″ x 6″

Do you know the movie “I Know Where I’m Going” starring Wendy Hiller?

This is what my painting reminds me of – the famous scene of the dark whirlpool pulling the boat deeper toward the vortex.

Hiller, as Joan, is on her way to the fictitious isle of Kiloran to marry a rich industrialist. She ends up having to wait out a storm on the Isle of Mull,  incidentally one of my favorite places, and the easiest way to get to the beautiful  isles of Iona and Staffa. We once had a boat trip similar to the one shown in this movie on our way to see the basalt walled Fingal’s Cave.  Mendelssohn wrote a wonderful overture Fingal’s Cave Overture (The Hebrides). Click on the link if you would like to hear the Gary Schneider conducting while viewing some incredible photos of Fingal’s Cave.

Another quick segue here. This summer we saw the Turner exhibit  at the Peabody Essex Museum. There was a wonderful painting in the exhibit entitled Fingal’s Cave. We were so disappointed that the curator stated that this was a “fictitious cave”. We were compelled to write comments to request the error be corrected. People take the written word as fact and it is important for museums to provide accurate information

Anyway, back to the story. Hiller as Joan meets a naval captain who woes her. He is also going to Kiloran and is the true owner of the island and estate that Joan’s finance claims is his. While Joan finagles a way over to the isle of Kiloran, her suitor hops into the boat and they set off straight into the Corryvreckan Whirlpool. The scene is outrageous and you think they are all going into the vortex but at the last-minute the fisherman gets the engine started and off they go. And of course Joan marries the suitor over the rich industrialist.

Back to the painting. I was trying to create a type of vortex and when I added bronze gouache, I saw that I had an image taking flight.  Having wings is a good way to stay out of a whirlpool.


Filed under Art, New Work



Clash   $50

Mixed Media 6″ x 6″

Symbols banging, waves crashing, engines revving, pans dropping. Clash, bang, boom.

It is day 4 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30 and I am working hard to figure things out when making abstract paintings.

There is so much freedom, but the whole needs to synthesize drawing you in and evoking feeling. Today I worked on creating energy in my painting. Can you feel it?


Filed under Art, New Work


sea flow


Mixed Media 6″ x 6″  SOLD

I am enjoying working and reworking a surface without getting caught up in the fine detail of my usual work. I do find that I am spending more time on my abstracts than I thought as I like to impregnate the image with color. This painting changes color in sunlight as you will see below, but best to keep paintings away from direct sunlight.

The image in the center is a piece of sponge that washed ashore after a particularly strong storm. I was able to collect several pieces that I am using for inspiration.

sea flow lightshine

The lovely cobalt blue gouache and deep purple watercolors do not show up as well in the sunlight. The acrylic gold and bronze are painted over the watercolor and gouache and then worked by removing the metallic paint with a cloth or paper towel to get more texture on the surface.


Filed under Art, New Work

Space Dance

Inner space

Space Dance

 Mixed Media   6″ x 6″   SOLD

I always loved painting with metallics. For this painting I used bronze and dark gold acrylics and liquid watercolors.


Filed under Art, New Work

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow SMedyn©


Ebb and Flow

Watercolor 10″ x 8″ on 3/4″  Cradle board  $50.00

Happy New Year! 2014 was a year of transition as I fully moved my practice to the south shore of Massachusetts.  Winter and Spring were long and cool. Summer was filed with swimming, fishing and plenty of good eats from the sea. Before I knew it, fall was upon us and it was time to make our trek to Bennington for parents weekend (always a delight mixed with a hint of envy). Sunsets have been dramatic year round. The light is wonderful in this area. We have been blessed with good health, loving family and friends and  good food.  Arthur and Bitsy have been steadfast companions.

I am again participating in Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30 challenge for the month of January. Nearly 1000 artists are participating from around the globe.I am moving outside my comfort zone to explore some more abstract paintings. It is time to challenge myself with some thing different, but I am continuing to make a sea series in watercolor.

Thank you everyone who was filled my blog over the past several years. I am so thankful for your support and comments. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2015!


Filed under Art, New Work

BUNNY HOP, Day 12 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days


I  had a delightful day working in encaustics with a wonderful photographer and artist, Karen Raus, famous locally for her Beach Walker series. After applying watercolor and coating with wax, I made some paper shapes that I painted and worked into some gold colored wax and applied to the painting.

This is an 8″ by 10″ encaustic on 1″ deep cradle board. It was great to work in a different medium and also a delight that Karen’s husband, Bill,  had just completed running heat into her studio. Bill is from upstate New York and I really appreciate his sense of humor. Reminds me of home.


Filed under Art, New Work