Poppies Party


The poppies are blooming gloriously all over Europe and I love to think of having a party among the fields of  them.  Although my work is in 2 exhibits in Europe right now, unfortunately I am not.

I learned yesterday that my best cousin, Mary Sue, passed away at her home in Nova Scotia, with her husband and children at her side. Mary Sue battled brain cancer 3 years, outliving the one year prognosis. In her first year of her illness she wrote a book on daily meditations, each one a reason to be grateful. I can’t imagine how her family is going to deal with this loss. She is a nutritionist,  and her husband is a cancer researcher. They developed a formula to save children who have a particular amino acid deficiency. Her brother and sister in law’s son  and daughter were diagnosed with this rare disorder- Propionic Acidemia. This formula has allowed children to survive much longer than their life expectancy of 6 months to 2 years.

Mary Sue and I spent nearly every weekend of our childhood at one another’s house. We would play day long monopoly games, keeping score, although we always seemed to be even at the end of a month. I will deeply miss her and her deep love for her family, life, good food and good stories.

This is a 6″ by 6″ Ink and Watercolor on Aquabord. All proceeds from the sale of this painting will go toward to the Propionic Acidemia Foundation which is striving for a cure for this rare autosomal recessive disorder.


Filed under Art, New Work

8 Responses to Poppies Party

  1. Susan, My thoughts and sympathy are with you on the loss of your dear cousin.
    Your painting is lovely and I really like the way the yellow flowers frame the painting – the colors are so vibrant and the blue sky is wonderful.

    • Thank you Barb. She was a true inspiration. The painting was just purchased by a dear college friend as a tribute to his cousin who died of cancer at the age of 48. This feels very fitting.

  2. Good picture, Susan. Make plenty more for everyone to enjoy !

  3. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin. I am hoping that when you remember all of the special times you spent together, that it will bring smiles to your face instead of tears. She will live on through her family and you!
    p.s. love the painting!

  4. Such a wonderful tribute. So lovely that this piece found a new home with a friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss, Susan. You’ve written a lovely tribute for your cousin – and your artwork is delightful as well!

  6. I am so sorry for your loss……especially one close to the heart! I hope this beautiful painting finds a home……it certainly has so much meaning……

  7. Luciana Mariano

    Sorry to hear about your cousin!
    Love and peace.
    Adorable painting <3

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