Tag Archives: Painting of Pontos Greek god

Pontus Parties


I was introduced to Greek mythology by my husband and have  taken a great interest in learning about the Greek deities. We especially enjoy looking at Greek vases but would happily take another trip to Greece to explore more temples and sites.

You can see this painting as well as my new sea series at Open Studios this weekend July 19th and 20th  from 11AM-5PM Saturday and Sunday. I will have lots of new work on display.

There are so many wonderful artists exhibiting from their studios this year that I am sure it will be a great event.

This link takes you to a downloadable map. http://southcoastartists.org/sample-page-2/tour-map/

I am number 5 on the tour map.

This is a 7″ by 5″ ink and watercolor on Aquabord.

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