So occasionally my creatures are a tad erotic. There are a few in this painting. You know that I do have fun hiding things within my paintings. The captain is quite oblivious to what is going on around him. The cool cat sure would like to get to know the lady in the red dress a bit better. The red cat obviously already has gotten to know the winged woman he is talking to. Amazing how much we miss if we aren’t paying attention.
I am thrilled to see so many birds at the feeders now. I noticed the egrets have returned although they had a few very cold wet weeks they had to deal with. As I drive to and from work I saw them huddled in Adamsville Pond. Below is a photo of them in the summer. They use this spot as their rookery.
Love this diverse and spiced fauna!
Very Vernal!
Because of your alien-like creatures, I immediately thought “Captain Picard’s” quarters! Love this fun piece.
Lol! Susan…..I see the erotica! I applaud you for your bravery! I have thought about such paintings but never dared venture onto that topic! Too funny!