Tag Archives: teaching art and silliness

Cranky Birds

A  wonderful painter, Don Cadoret, http://www.doncadoret.net/New_IMAGES.php  sent me a link to a blog by a dear friend of his, Darla http://darhosta.wordpress.com/

She referenced a friend  and artist Carla Sonheim who has written a new book ,

Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals. http://carlasonheim.wordpress.com/

This book looks so cool and I am eager to see what creatures she has in there.

Well Darla asked people to follow the original instructions from Carla and put a blob of watercolor on paper  and then play with it any way you want to create a Cranky bird. So in the free moments I had today I played with blobs and came up with a few sillies. One of the rules is there has to be some comment on the page. I am not used to letting go and  just playing, but I did.

Here is what I came up with.

Help I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up!

I never wanted to walk on stilts.


Filed under Studio