I have been working on this image for a repeat pattern and finally feel it is finished. If only I were better in Photoshop. I haven’t figured out how to drop out the background so I can make a lovely repeating pattern. I think it looks quite cute all on it’s own.
I really like this piece. It does look lovely as is, but if you want help with the photoshop I am happy to do so
I think your paintings would look wild in repeat! I’m thinking of wonderfully colorful quilt fabric! When you get it done on Spoonflower, I will be your first customer! Learning to do repeats in Photoshop is a goal of mine this year. I do have a good book, but haven’t cracked the cover yet. I know it’s one of those things that will take a lot of consistent effort, but will be worth it.
I think I would like to live in this alternative universe you paint – it is alien and yet familiar and never threatening. Sometimes familiar creature, and sometimes not. I often feel like I have stepped through the looking glass into another world.
Of course, you paint poppies, my favorite flower, often! Love it! I love the way the pot is actually part of the flower on the right.
It’s adorable!
I can see where the patter would repeat beautifully. Check out lynda.com for affordable and very high-end video tutorials for photoshop and a wide variety of other software programs.
Love the combination of light and bright colors here. It is beautiful.
Your paintings always look you had such fun doing them!
I actually like the crisp white background……seems to pop the painting and look almost 3d…..
The bunny has presence and attitude as only a monochromatic hare can!