BOOBY HATCH $400 framed.
I love the little Dr. Suess like lady in pink in this painting. I think the character on the left with the hat could even qualify for a Suess like creature. One thing that the urban dictionary states is that the Booby Hatch was a hatch meant to keep a small sea-bird named the boobie from flying below deck. One type actually has beautiful blue feet~I must add them to one of my paintings!
Take this title however you like but it is breast cancer awareness month and I am donating 1/4 of the proceeds of all October sales to
They are an amazing organization that provides support and information for women through all stages of breast cancer. I have met so many amazing women through them and want to give back for all they have given to me. Everyone deserves a fighting chance and has led so many women to seek life saving treatment that they would not have known about except for this incredible site.