Tag Archives: Whimsical Art

She’s Sick So Who Is Going To Feed Us? Day 21 of 30 days of 30 paintings.

She's SickSO who is going to fed us.

We have colds at our house. We both left work early to rest. The cats were waiting for food and didn’t get it right away so I made a little painting with them in mind.

I worked on a larger painting tonight for a little while,  but  feel I need to go slowly and thoughtfully to make it the best I can.


Filed under Art, New Work



I almost dumped this painting. I drew it one day in pencil, inked it another and painted it for 10 hours ( yup 10 hours) today. And I was not happy with the background. It was too dark. So I changed the color of it and painted the background gold.

It did not look right. My husband, knowing my frustration suggested I run it under the sprayer in the kitchen sink to see what would happen.

Well, my painting appeared!

I was so surprised. The gold was made from  mica chips and titanium white paint and it all washed away. So here is my very 20 hour day 15 painting.Of course it is another of my jungle type Rousseau paintings Medyn style. It is named for the little lady sitting on top of the world and enjoying herself.

This is an 8″ by 10″ Ink and Watercolor on Aqua Board. It is framed in a wood shadow box frame that is painted black. It is for sale for $450.00.

To purchase you can click the buy now button or contact me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net



Filed under Art, New Work


cat in poppies


y daughter asked me to paint more poppies and I am happy to add these soporific flowers into my paintings. I originally started out with a bunny again but our orange tabby Arthur was posing so sweetly that I  changed the painting to include him. I continue to make Henri Rousseau like paintings and will have several in the Art Naif Festival in Katowice Poland this summer.

This is a 5″ by 7″ Ink and Watercolor painting on Aqua Board and includes some of my imaginary plants and creatures. To purchase click on the buy now button or contact me at susanmedyn(at)cox.net


Filed under Art, New Work

Meadowlands, Day 9 of 30 days of 30 paintings


Thought I would paint an abstract meadow.  I have loved the snow melt these past 2 days. Every morning there has been a wonderful fog covering the landscape.

This is a 5″ by 7″ painting on aqua board that is varnished and ready to hang. I have made it to day 9 of Leslie Saeta’s challenge and I am determined to complete a painting each day of the full 30 days.

It is wonderful meeting other artists and seeing their work. I am so pleased with the connections I am making. I even plan to trade a painting with one of the wonderful painters in this challenge.

This painting is for sale for 50.00 plus shipping.

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Filed under Art, New Work


city scape


I am working a lot of hours today so did a play with colors to make a cityscape. I love looking out from the upper story of my mother-in-law’s Manhattan apartment and seeing the view. This painting is 5″ by 7″ and is on aqua board. It is varnished so needs no glass for hanging. To see some of the work of the over 200 painters who have taken on Leslie Saeta’s challenge just click on her name and you can take a look at all the wonderful paintings.



Filed under Art, New Work



I really enjoyed painting today. The  sun was so bright that the nearby water was so reflective that it was hard not to gaze at the sea. The poppy is the symbol for Morpheus the  Greek god of dreams.

This is a 5″ by 7″ Ink and Watercolor on aqua board  for day 5 of Leslie Saeta’s 30 day painting challenge.

This painting is going to the home of a wonderful artist Susan Klabak as a trade for one of her wonderful paintings.


Filed under Art, New Work

30 Days of 30 Paintings, Day 4, Wiggly Squiggly

WIGGLY SQUIGGLYIt takes so long to work on my usual paintings so I have been playing a bit with color.

I am forging along in the 30 days 30 paintings inspired by Leslie Saeta. If you click on her name it will take you to her blog where you can see the work of about 250 painters posting daily.

This painting is  a 5″ by 7″  watercolor on aqua board that is varnished  so no need for glass.It really sparkles!

Purchase price is $50, shipping included.



Filed under Art, New Work

30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 2, and Wiggly Squiggly Sperm!

SPERMMy work is so detailed that this is quite a challenge to make 30 paintings in 30 days, especially since I need to complete new work for several shows and open studios coming up this Spring and Summer.

So today I played with paint. Even though my work is playful, it is so unlike me to go at something free form. This is a 5 by 7 watercolor on aqua board that is varnished. Love those luminescent paints!

My tools usually are my #3 pencil,  Crow Quill pen, India Ink, and an eraser, even before I get to any painting. So hopefully tomorrow I will have finished another creature feature. They take the better part of a day to complete.

I certainly thank Kelley McDonald and Leslie Saeta for inspiring me to challenge myself. Sometimes it is the offhand comment that sparks a dream in one’s mind which propels us forward.


Filed under Art, New Work

The World Goes Round and Round, 6″ by 6″ Watercolor on Aqua Board

The World Goes Round and Round

2013 brings a painting challenge that I am participating in.

It is Leslie Saeta’s 30 days of painting challenge for the month of January. If you go to her blog you can take a look at all the artists who are participating. Their new work will be posted daily.

I have started off with this this slice of my world but as I am taking a painting class this month, I will not be sticking with a theme. Rather I will be painting what I know and then what I am practicing. Taking on this challenge  feels right for the New Year.

To purchase this painting just click on the Paypal button below.



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Flaubert’s Stroll

Flaubert’s Stroll

Flaubert is taking a stroll through the jungle looking for someone to play with. He is a young elephant who has made friends with the kind giraffe and the rather raunchous leopard. He  has a lighter and bluer sky in his background than this photo depicts. Night photography did not capture this as well as I would have liked.

Flaubert would be happy to come to your home for the holidays. He is 5″ by 7″ and framed in an oak and black shadow box. There are finely ground mica chips in much of the paint so this painting glows in the most delightful way. This is an ink and watercolor painting on aqua board  that is varnished so that one doesn’t need glass to protect it.

This painting is for sale for $250 plus shipping.

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