Tag Archives: Fantastical Creatures

Petting the Human

petting the human1©

I am working on a new piece with some of my imaginary creatures. I have figured out the color scheme and am doing something I haven’t done before. I am painting the background in first. This is the most tedious part of painting on aqua board as the strokes all need to be in one direction and with the same consistency of color. I look forward to posting the finished piece later in the week.

Happy Thursday to all. Yesterday it was breezy all day and then last night the north wind blew for hours. I hope everyone stayed warm. We lit a fire which kept the house very cozy.



Filed under Art, New Work

Here they are, all 30 paintings in a collage.

PicMonkey Collage3Well 30 days has passed and I started 2 paintings  yesterday that I am going to turn into encaustics. I certainly think I would have gotten the award for the most variety in media on this challenge. A lot of this was experimentation for me as what I normally do takes several days to complete. The collage was made by a cool program called picmonkey.

Now I am turning back to working on my Rousseau like paintings that I will be needing for an exhibition. I usually complete a painting in a week.

Happy Ground Hog Day and happy birthday to my dear friend Patricia Barr who is working in chilly Fairbanks, Alaska!


Filed under Art, New Work

Up and Away, 30 Paintings in 30 Days, Day 30, Oh My!

Up up and away

I really love everything going on in this painting. Laying on of hands, midwifery, flying in the air, trumpets playing, creatures talking.

This is a 9″ by 12 ” Ink and Watercolor on Arches 300 pound cold press paper. I do enjoy making paintings in my usual style.

So, 30 days of 30 paintings has come to an end. A great challenge with over 200 participants started by Leslie Saeta. You can see everyone’s works on her blog page.

This painting will be matted and framed in a maple frame. It is for sale for $450.00 framed and $350.00 unframed.


Filed under Art, New Work

Be Mine, day 28 of 30 paintings in 30 days.

be mine1


Another quick little painting. I guess I have Valentine’s on my mind. Another painting taken at night….hate to get those shadows in it, but the paper is all one color off white.

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Posies, Day 27 of 30 paintings in 30 days.



Who doesn’t like flowers. A little posie painting as today is a very busy day.  Also could be a little Valentine. Drawing is 5″ by 7″.


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Sloucher, Day 23 of 30 paintings in 30 days.


Here it is low resolution.


And with sunlight reflecting the watercolor with ground mica.


And the real thing! Again inspired by my favorite artist Henri Rousseau. As we near the end of this challenge, I want to thank Leslie Saeta for encouraging us all to take on a painting a day.

This has been a great challenge and I had the opportunity to listen to Artists Helping Artists today. I am normally at work but this cold I have is a rough one. It was great to hear Leslie Saeta and Carrie Waller sharing their tips. When Carrie mentioned the golden Section I immediately thought of my husband’s work and the work of Harry Nadler from the late 1980’s.

This is an 8″ by 10″ Ink and Watercolor on  aqua board framed in a maple and black shadow box frame. It is for sale for $600.


Filed under Art, New Work

She’s Sick So Who Is Going To Feed Us? Day 21 of 30 days of 30 paintings.

She's SickSO who is going to fed us.

We have colds at our house. We both left work early to rest. The cats were waiting for food and didn’t get it right away so I made a little painting with them in mind.

I worked on a larger painting tonight for a little while,  but  feel I need to go slowly and thoughtfully to make it the best I can.


Filed under Art, New Work

He’s All That, 20 of 30 paintings in 30 days.


He's All That. copyJust a quickie as I have had to work all day. Lighting was not great for photographing. Wish I could have watched the inauguration.

But maybe a poppy painting tomorrow.


Filed under Art, New Work

Who’s He, What’s He? by Susan Medyn, Day 16 of 30 days of paintings.


I was up at 6 AM to get to work from 9 to 6. I just had an hour break so was able to complete a little creature. We have Poetry Reading tonight at Gallery 55 in Natick, MA and David will be reading  Tam O’Shanter one of my favorites from  Robert Burns. When we went to Ayr, Scotland, I saw quite a sight, a large heron scooping up a frog and eating it whole (of course) underneath the bridge that Ole Tam escaped over. I do love Burns, and when I can’t sleep and David reads poetry to me, it is one of the most wonderful gifts. I settle into the words and can barely stay awake. Of course poetry group conflicts with South Coast’s Artists monthly meeting and that presents scheduling challenges.

This little Who’s He What’s He has quite the funny expression. Maybe he has been listening to the poetry in my head.

So it is day 16 of Leslie Saeta’s painting challenge and I am up to date. It has been a month of discovery and play and I am thrilled I am pushing the boundaries of my work.

This little guy is for sale for $20. He is a 2 1/2″ by 3 1/2″.


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Gustave’s Reverie

This is a 5″ by 7″ Ink and Watercolor painting on Aqua Board of Gustave the  very mellow and friendly elephant who is dreaming about the holidays. Gustave is varnished and framed in a shadow box of black and oak. Gustave is for sale for $250. I have always continued to admire the work of Henri Rousseau and although this work is clearly in my style it is reflective of the influence of  Rousseau. Gustave can be seen at The Art Stable Gallery Westport through December 23, 2012.


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