- Last page of article in SOCO MAgazine. It is easier to read by going to the link listed below. http://www.socomagazine.info/
Click on read on the left hand side and go to page 62, 63 and 64 to read the article.
I was delighted to read this article today. There are several pieces of my work as well as many new gicleés at Ropewalk Gallery in Mattapoisett, MA on County Road (Route 6). I will also have several pieces in a group show at Imperial Gallery in Providence, RI starting April 19th, 2012.
Yes it is a good article and has made me “think” more about your art, instead of just looking and saying to myself “ooh isn’t that pretty, how does she come up with the ideas?” ! I loved, too, the photo of you at your work table, surrounded by messy watercolours. One imagines from the precision of your finished work that you never make a mess. I work in oils, and the mess is considerable. One thinks of watercolour artists as being more “finicky”! How I should love to visit you next time I’m in the States. By the way, have you ever been to Tiverton, Devon? It’s near where I come from originally in the UK.
Thank you. It is good to hear about the process involved and of course please visit me the next time you come here. I was not in Tiverton but wanted to see the Merivale and Grismound Prehistoric Stones when on one of our trips to look at stone circles and mounds. A few years ago we looked at sites in Scotland. My daughter and her husband have just been to England and France. Where are you located now?
I have told so many people about your blog. It is so inspiring. I want to cook all those wonderful recipes and especially the madelaines.